Recipes that suit you: A day on my plate!

It is not always easy to cook healthy and gourmet recipes - eating salads or butter pasta is not quite gourmet. Let us take you for a day on our plates.

On the menu: easy, healthy and delicious recipes from breakfast to dinner!

1- Eggs and carrot waffles brunch style

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and the ideal moment to fill up on energy. Everybody knows that having a balanced diet includes eating fresh fruits, vegetables, a bit of cheese, cereals or bread, the winning combination to start a great day. However, we also know it is not always the case when the alarm rings too late, motivation is hard to find and it leaves room for not exactly homemade snacks. Today, say not to a quick breakfast, usual tasteless recipes, not to the cereal bowl, oat porridge or granola, Greek yoghurt with 0% fat, passion-less quick recipes! Today, Bonduelle is giving you the opportunity to prepare a delicious meal to get in the mood for the day!

Start the day on the right side of the bed with a delicious waffle, some jam and a soft-boiled egg. The occasion to let your love of food express itself guilt-free (and why not even add a drizzle of maple syrup). Of course, have this breakfast with a nice tea or coffee and don’t forget some juice too!

Your shopping list!

For the waffles

125g of grated carrots au citron de Sicile Bonduelle
3 eggs
50g of melted butter
250g of flour
40cl of milk
½ bag of baking powder
2 pinches of ground cumin
Fine salt, ground pepper

For the soft-boiled eggs

4 large eggs extra-frais

Steps not to be missed!

Step 1: Prepare the waffle dough. Break the eggs and whisk them with the melted butter.

Step 2: Sieve the flour with the baking powder. Add them to the eggs and mix.

Step 3: Dig a hole in the middle and slowly incorporate the milk while stirring: there should not be any traces of flour and baking powder left. Add the cumin and a pinch of salt, some pepper. You can also use a blender to make this salter waffle dough.

Step 4: Finally, add the grated carrots and mix the dough until it is uniform.

Step 5: Preheat the waffle iron. Lightly oil it or butter it and cook your waffles: beware the preparation will get bigger, do not put too much of it in the waffle iron! Repeat until there is no dough left. Set aside.

Step 6: While the waffles are baking, cook the soft-boiled eggs. Put them in salted boiling water for 3 minutes. Put an end to the cooking by putting them under cold water.

Step 7: Put them in egg cups and serve hot with the carrots waffles - which can also be dipped in the eggs!


2- Quinoa salad, corn, edamame and grated carrots

Lunch at the office or at home always raises the same question: what are we eating today? For lack of ideas or time, we often neglect this meal too. Today, no way! No skipping lunch, no leek quiche, no quick omelet and no sandwich! Let us introduce you to a lunch recipe 100% Bonduelle: our quinoa, corn, edamame and grated carrot salad! A salad that is easy to make which you can also take with you to the office. Balanced, light and original, this recipe will make you love your lunch break. You will eat healthy while saving. Indeed, there is nothing better than homemade. Quick and easy to make, this delicious meal will make you jump from joy! A pretty great idea, don’t you think?

For lunch, it will be a quinoa, corn, edamame and grated carrot salad.

Your shopping list!

150g of quinoa
1 can of corn
200g of edamame
2 beautiful carrots (or half a tub of grated carrots in Sicilian lemon by Bonduelle in the deli isle)
The juice from half a lemon
A few stems of chive
Fine salt, ground pepper

Steps not to be missed!

Step 1: Rinse the quinoa and cook it in salted boiling water for 15 minutes. Drain and rinse it with cold water. Peel and grate the carrots.

Step 2: Drain the corn. Hull the thawed edamame and rinse the content of the Bonduelle edamame box.

Step 3: In a salad bowl, put together the quinoa, carrots, corn and edamame

Step 4:  Season with salt, pepper, lemon juice and olive oil. Add a bit of chopped chive on top for the finishing touch. Serve cold.

To the food lovers with an appetite: you can add eggs in this salad, whether as an omelet or scrambles, up to you!

3- Baked gnocchi and vegetables

Are you exhausted from work or classes? You want to have a nice meal without spending too much time in the kitchen? You don’t want to search the internet for ideas or order pizza or make a pasta salad on those ordering apps… We knew it!

No worries, we are here for you! Among all our recipe repertoire, tonight we are introducing a vegetable-based meal both quick and easy to make! Drum roll… some gnocchis! Ready in less than 10 minutes. Head to the fridge to make our gnocchis with tomatoes, green beans and peas. Goodbye canned soups, quick salads, pasta marinara or quick omelet. Make your meal both delicious and colourful to end the day beautifully!

Your shopping list!

2 bags of potato gnocchis (about 600g)
300g of extra-fine Bonduelle frozen green beans
300g of Bonduelle frozen peas
200g of cherry tomatoes
1 red onion
3 tbsp of olive oil
2 stems of fresh basil
50g of parmesan or any other hard cheese
Fine salt, ground pepper

Steps not to be missed!

Step 1: Preheat the oven at 180 degrees celsius. Peel and finely chop the onion. Spread the gnocchis on a single layer on top of a pastry plate or a large oven dish able to contain them all.

Step 2: Spread onions and whole cherry tomatoes on top. Pour a generous drizzle of olive oil and mix it all. Put in the oven for 10 minutes.

Step 3: Get the gnocchis out of the oven. Add the green beans and peas still frozen. Mix. Put it all in the oven again for 10 minutes.

Step 4: Take the dish out of the oven. Put the gnocchis in serving plates, season with some salt, pepper, plucked basil leaves and grated parmesan.

It is a day of meals  rich in vegetables which can be adapted endlessly to the seasons.Broccolis, mushrooms, zucchinis, leeks, up to you! You can also add animal proteins: chicken, ham or even salmon. You got it, you’re the chef, enjoy!

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